Coordinating and Conducting Data Science Research in the Life Sciences
We are a university-wide, faculty-driven program to conduct research and create educational resources, expertise, and opportunities in data sciences for application in the life sciences. We work in multiple STEM disciplines — mathematics, statistics, computer science and engineering, bioinformatics, biological systems engineering, electrical engineering – to establish cross-campus linkages. These linkages enable transdisciplinary research, training and consulting with partners in the life sciences from academia, industry, and government.
Meet our People
Our interdisciplinary staff consists of experts in the fields of mathematics, statistics, computer science and engineering, bioinformatics, biological systems engineering and electrical engineering. Get to know us better.
Our People
Predictive Statistics Textbook
Bertrand S. Clarke & Jennifer L. Clarke
All scientific disciplines prize predictive success. This book outlines a fully predictive approach to statistical problems based on studying predictors; the approach does not require predictors correspond to a model although this important special case is included in the general approach.
Learn More about Jennifer